Saturday, March 22, 2014


We have been having really nice spring weather so today I decided to go with some people and do a little spelunking.  We went to the Bijambare caves which are about 30-40 minutes outside of Sarajevo.  It was a real nice area, very scenic.  The first cave was up high in the mountain and even though there were some steps it was a heck of a hike to get up to it.  The second cave was on what I call the first summit and we were able to take a tour and go deep inside of it.  According to the different placards bones have been found in there that belong to a species of bear that went extinct about 10,000 years ago.  They also have found man made stone age tools that date back to the cave man days.

I wanted to get a picture of the giant cave opening in the center but there was another bench off to the left with a bunch of people sitting and standing around it so I had to take a picture off center in order to cut them out of my picture