Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bosnian Pyramid?

Before I left to come to Bosnia I was watching a TV show that was talking about mysteries of the ancient world.  They were talking about these large stone spheres that had been found in Costa Rica.  According to their legend they were cannon balls used by the gods.  Anyway, they then mentioned that the only other place these have been found is in Banja LuKa, Bosnia.

picture of one of the spheres found in Costa Rica
you can do a google search if you want to see more

I did some more research and found that stone spheres have been found in a number of places around the country.  Anyway, while looking up more information on this I found that some believe that there are also pyramids in Bosnia.  When I got here I asked the people if they have ever heard of these.  They said they never heard of the stone spheres but have heard of the Pyramids but that they were fake.  They said National Geographic came here a few years back and said they were just natural mountains that happened to look like pyramids.  At first I didn't want to believe them.  I figured if there are stone spheres that date back thousands of years and evidence shows that they were man made and actually made from molten rock in some type of mold and not hand chiseled then who says that there couldn't also be pyramids.  I didn't say anything else about it but I got teased a little bit for bringing it up and then one day they asked me if I wanted to go see the pyramid.  So I said sure.     

Now, I thought at the very least the pyramid would be a stand alone structure, but it wasn't.  From a distance it definitely looks like it has three sides but the fourth side just goes into another mountain.  Then I was at the base of this "pyramid" and even though I have never been to the Pyramids in Egypt or South America I could tell this would have been much bigger making it all the more unbelievable (I later did look up the dimensions of this "pyramid" and it is much bigger than those of Egypt and South America.)  

I did more research once I got home about the pyramid being a hoax and the evidence disproving it is much more scientific and, well, true.  Basically the guy who started everything, really does believe it is a pyramid.  However, he only excavates in certain areas that reveal natural geological formations that he tries to say resemble the large building blocks or paver stones that would have been used to build it.  There was a documentary called The Biggest Hoax in History (or something like that) and this guy comes across a little crazy which doesn't help his case.  Scientist say that because of the way he is excavating the mountain, that he is going to be the one who shapes the mountain into a pyramid and not men 10,000 years ago.  I wanted to believe that this could have been real but instead I can say I saw a neat looking mountain that looked like a pyramid, however, I still would like to see the stone spheres.      

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