Sunday, May 11, 2014

Car Show

I went downtown today to go to a car show.  I was told that the car show was from 1-4.  I got there at 12:00 and no one was there so I went and got something to eat and then walked around and took some other pictures.  By the time I got to the car show it was about 1:45 and they were already leaving.  Here are a few of the cars I was able to get pictures of. The unfortunate thing is I did not see and signs on the cars or anything else that would say what model they are and some I could not even make out the maker.

This is a VW but not sure what model

An American Police Motorcycle

As I was taking pictures of this car I asked the person I was with to ask the guy what type of car it was because I did not recognize it.  His reply was "a Ford."  I said I know that but what model?  He said he didn't know and then drove away before I could find out.  I am still curious because it looked more like a Chevy than a Ford even though it said Ford on the hood.

A Benz

Another Benz

an Opal

The emblem on the car grill says NSU but I am not sure who that is

I think we all know what this is

It says Caravelle

This is an old Fiat

This is an older Pauguot which is a European Car manufacture that I have never seen in the US but they are common here.  I believe they are known for more luxury style cars

There were a couple cars that looked like American cars from the late '30's to '40's but were by European car manufactures, but not sure which one

An old European Buick (steering wheel is on the other side)

Another one that looked American but is some type of European model

This is a bus (obviously) and the sign in the window said 1963 - that's all I was able to figure out

I would have liked to talk to some of the people and find out more about these cars but like I said, once I got there they were leaving.  Often as I was taking pictures or right when I got done taking a picture of a car, the owner got in and drove away so I didn't have much time to take pictures and find out anything about the cars.


  1. It's amazing that the Us auto makers have their European line of cars that always resemble the cars they make for here in the USA.
    Question. What side of the road do they drive & what side of the car is the steering wheel ? Did you have any problems driving in Bosnia ?

  2. Their cars are just like ours and they drive on the same side of the road as we do. I would say the only thing that seems different is almost everyone drives a manual transmission. I didn't do any driving; I either walked, got a ride or took a cab because I can't drive manual transmission and the streets are at times chaotic.
