Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Reminders of the War

If you walk or drive around the city you will see clear reminders that there was a war here less than 20 years ago.  There are a number of buildings that were bombed and burned out that have been remodeled or refurbished and if you go inside there are often pictures of what it looked like during the war and what it looks like now.  However, there are still a number of buildings that still show the scars of war.  Some are obvious, while others are still visible through attempts to cover them up.

This is an apartment building on my street.  Visible are the bullet holes.

If you look at the upper right corner of the building you will see where a rocket hit the building and has been patched.

In my previous email I said that I went for a walk along a nice scenic river and included this picture.  This river was the dividing line during the war.  On the right was the Serbian Army and on the left was the mixed Croatian and primarily Muslim (Bosniac) forces.

Another building with bullet pockmarks 

In my previous post I had a picture of a statue of Josip Tito and I mentioned that it is outside of The University of Sarajevo, and that the University is in what was once a military base/barracks.  To the right of the University is the US embassy (which there are signs all over saying no pictures aloud and a guy on the corner with a sub-machine gun) which used to be one end of the military base.  On the other end of the former base is the bombed out portion of the barracks.

This picture shows two rocket impacts on the same building

 This is the back of an office building along the quite street that runs parallel to the nice scenic river.  The lower portion has been covered with graffiti while the upper glass windows still show where they had been shot out.

This is a garage door up the street from me where you can see where bullets have been shot through the door

This is the next building over from the one where I am living.  All of the patch marks are where they filled in damage caused by bullets and rockets.  if you notice the upper left corner of the building they were unable to get up that high to fill in those holes.

This is another small office building.  The back faces the river, this side faces the perpendicular side street.

1 comment:

  1. That's interesting and a bit sad to think that's where a person/persons lost their life.
